Friday, April 16, 2010

PS3 vs 360 - The Fall Lineup

Before you read, please be aware that this thread is created with SW in mind and thus should be treated as such.

So as we head into the final months of 2008 we see a battle between the exclusive titles in each of the respective consoles lineups:

PS3 - Resistance 2, Little Big Planet and SOCOM: Confrontation
360 - Gears of War 2, Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts and Fable 2

I've created this thread in light of recent debate over the hype for certain titles. From these topics this is what I've come up with:

PS3 - Resistance 2 (Hype AAA-AA), Little Big Planet (Hype AAA) and SOCOM: Confrontation (AA-A)
360 - Gears of War 2 (AAA), Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (AAA-AA) and Fable 2 (AAA-AA)

I know I'll obviously be called out for the hype levels but this is just what I've come across in SW recently and the reason this thread exists for debate.

Again, I understand preference comes into play with which lineup you favour but from a neutral's prespective we have two pretty even lineups.

And finally, since I need to be biased, is SW conceding that the 360s fall lineup is better than the PS3? (Since each party hypes their own lineup respectively).

I'm off to work here. I look forward to reading the replies on my return. Discuss!

EDIT: Forgot Motorstorm 2 (AAA-AA) and L4D (AAA-AA, the topic is PS3 vs 360, sorry PC guys!). How careless of me :P, thanks for the heads up.PS3 vs 360 - The Fall Lineup
This thread mentions all the games I am buying this season. It's a joy Overload! There has got to be an Better word! These games excite me so much, it makes me Verklempt.*Sucks in Lips*Talk amongst yourselves.Here, I'll give you a topic : Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island, discuss. (TC, I think you predicted the games just right. )PS3 vs 360 - The Fall Lineup
I choose 360 lineup only because of gears 2,if 360 didnt have gears 2 then the lineup would be an epic failure andI wud have choosen ps3 lineup instead
You forgot Motorstorm 2.
I don't like shooters and with the 360 getting Banjo and the best DDR this year. The 360 lineup for me is a major step above PS3. Even though LBP does look good but DDR is a must buy for me.
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Theres more I'm looking forward to on PS3 than 360. Fable 2 is about it. Really don't care for gears.
wipeout hd also for the ps 3.infamous comes out this year?
I choose the PS3's line-up. The original Gears didn't do anything for me, so Gears 2 is a pass for me, but Fable 2 looks pretty good, and will probably be my go to 360 game because of coop with my buddy.LittleBigPlanet will probably consume all of my gaming time for the rest of the year, and when I'm not playing it, it's going to be either Socom, Resistance 2, or some other multiplatofrm game like Mirror's Edge, Valkyria Chronicles, Fallout 3, or Prince of Persia.
A lot of the strategy/jrpg fans (small but vocal group) are excited about Valkyria Chronicles ...... I would put that at AA-A hype.
[QUOTE=''GARRYTH'']wipeout hd also for the ps 3.infamous comes out this year?[/QUOTE] inFamous, Killzone, and White Kinght Chronicles(Japan at least) are in Spring '09
Resistance 2 has been hyped AAA, I laughed when I saw the AA. Banjo 3 was hyped AAA until they announced it was vehicles.....then the hype was more of an A-AA. Fable 2 has always seemed to be AAA though, rarely have I seen a Lem hype it lowerAnd you forgot a couple exclusvies, L4D for X360...hype I think is AA-AAA. Motorstorm 2, hype is AA-AAA.
[QUOTE=''darthogre''] Resistance 2 has been hyped AAA, I laughed when I saw the AA. Banjo 3 was hyped AAA until they announced it was vehicles.....then the hype was more of an A-AA. Fable 2 has always seemed to be AAA though, rarely have I seen a Lem hype it lowerAnd you forgot a couple exclusvies, L4D for X360...hype I think is AA-AAA. Motorstorm 2, hype is AA-AAA. [/QUOTE] R2 and Fable 2 are in the same boat. There is a lot of AAA hype for them , yet there are enough doubters because the first one were only ''AA'' games and we all know from SW that it is impossible for games to change their status. Motorstorm 2 I would set at solid AA hype , nothing more nothing less. For every kid that thinks it might score a 9.0 , there are probably 5 kids that think it will score a 7.5 or less. I would take down to ''A'' if anything ..... but cows are taking their chances. Good to see. AA hype , woot !
[QUOTE=''darthogre'']Resistance 2 has been hyped AAA, I laughed when I saw the AA. Banjo 3 was hyped AAA until they announced it was vehicles.....then the hype was more of an A-AA. Fable 2 has always seemed to be AAA though, rarely have I seen a Lem hype it lowerAnd you forgot a couple exclusvies, L4D for X360...hype I think is AA-AAA. Motorstorm 2, hype is AA-AAA. [/QUOTE]

L4D is on PC yo!
as much as im a sony fan i would love to have fable 2 though.
I want gears 2 :D
PS3 lineup-Resistance 2, Little Big Planet,SOCOM: Confrontation,Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm,Wipe out hd,Motor Storm 2,THE PLAYSTATION HOME(cant wait for it)and BETTER Bioshock. Xbox 360 lineup-Gears of War (timed exclusive),Banjo and Kazooie and Fable 2.It seems to me that PS3 has a FAR better exclusive lineup this Fall.
Bioshock is multi-platform

The Artists Formerly Known as Cliffy B. said Gears 2 isn't coming on PC. I still think PS3 line-up>360 line-up

I'm only hyped for Gears 2. Never was a fan of Fable.
You forgot MotorStorm 2 %26 WipEout HD
[QUOTE=''SnakePS360Gamer'']Bioshock is multi-platform The Artists Formerly Known as Cliffy B. said Gears 2 isn't coming on PC. I still think PS3 line-up>360 line-up I'm only hyped for Gears 2. Never was a fan of Fable.[/QUOTE] i specifically mentioned BETTER bioshock.Even if you do take it out.The lineup is still better.

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