Rpg vs fps and driving game ?? that's a weird comparisonCan a Fable fanboy explain to me how F2 ...
i like the art direction of Fable 2. not necessarily more realistic.
*waits for saolin*
isnt that killzone pic a video?
wheres that one fanboy that cant take the googles off with the fable2 blog sig?
It's amazing how a revolutionary game comes around like Fable 2 (If it DOES live up to the hype) and all you people care about are the technical side of the graphics.How pathetic.
[QUOTE=''freakn3ss'']Rpg vs fps and driving game ?? that's a weird comparison[/QUOTE]Hes doing graphics comparasion, not genre comparasion. I didnt know there was a rule saying two games of different genres couldnt be compared graphically :S
i really dont get whats with the graphical comparisons, games like fable or GTA were never really about the graphics, the graphics in the original fable were ok, they only looked better becvause of its cartoony art direction
[QUOTE=''digi198816''][QUOTE=''freakn3ss'']Rpg vs fps and driving game ?? that's a weird comparison[/QUOTE]Hes doing graphics comparasion, not genre comparasion. I didnt know there was a rule saying two games of different genres couldnt be compared graphically :S [/QUOTE]there are certain genres that shouldnt be compared graphically, usually WRPGs are not about the graphics, while FPS is the genre that pushes the graphics the most, whats next? comparing 3D tetris to crysis?
So because it doesn't have photo-realistic graphics it automatically means it looks bad? I mean jeeze... Pokemon hasn't made alot of graphically leaps since Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and it still looks good.
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It has a diffrent art direction, the graphics aren't better or worse , its going for more of a cartoony feel rather than a realistic one. Please don't make yourself look like a fool, people ARE watching...
Why are you trying to compare realistic looking games to a game that uses a far more cartoony and vibrant art style? In my opinion, Fable 2 DOES look better than those games simply for the fact that it isn't using a gritty monotone color pallete. Thats not to say that the graphics themselves are as impressive as the other games you displayed, but saying Fable 2 looks bad in comparison is just showing your colors as a graphics whore. Its this same reason that I think Bioshock is the best looking game of last generation, despite being like 1 of 4 games released last year that utilized UE3 tech. Just do a side by side to Gears. UE3 may have been designed with Gears of War in mind, but Bioshock actually took some time to do more with its art direction.
[QUOTE=''FLamezero991'']It has a diffrent art direction, the graphics aren't better or worse , its going for more of a cartoony feel rather than a realistic one. Please don't make yourself look like a fool, people ARE watching...[/QUOTE]Clearly you havnt been reading other recent threads on this board.
[QUOTE=''stika''][QUOTE=''digi198816''][QUOTE=''freakn3ss''] Rpg vs fps and driving game ?? that's a weird comparison[/QUOTE]Hes doing graphics comparasion, not genre comparasion. I didnt know there was a rule saying two games of different genres couldnt be compared graphically :S [/QUOTE]there are certain genres that shouldnt be compared graphically, usually WRPGs are not about the graphics, while FPS is the genre that pushes the graphics the most, whats next? comparing 3D tetris to crysis?[/QUOTE]Crap, beat me to the punch...
Fable 2 has a fantasy look with really bright colors and a more unrealistic look. Just because it doesn't go towards the look of all of those games doesn't mean the graphics are bad.
you can't compare...two different art styles...
[QUOTE=''digi198816''][QUOTE=''freakn3ss'']Rpg vs fps and driving game ?? that's a weird comparison[/QUOTE]Hes doing graphics comparasion, not genre comparasion. I didnt know there was a rule saying two games of different genres couldnt be compared graphically :S [/QUOTE] Well....it can be stupid sometimes...rating a Mario game graphically against something like Crysis would be retarded... and so would rating a bright and surreal hack and slash RPG against a dark and realistic FPS.
Buy/rent fable, give it a try, then make up your mind..Besides, I don't think people like fable for its graphics...
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