[QUOTE=''wjb428'']Some of us have heard about Apple thinking about entering the linup in the next Gen, how do you think this would change it all?I think the Apple will have the best graphics, but 720 will have momentum making it close, PS4 will kinda disapear, and the WII2 will still be popular with kiddies. Discuss.[/QUOTE]
Until its confirmed I call BS
Also PS4 won't just disappear. Apple Console.
There isn't enough room, I think.If this happens, something's going to Fail. M$ has been getting rid of their 1st parties left and right, perhaps they are planning a big team up with APPLE? It would be so crazy, as they are rivals, but it would be a good soap opera moment.
If they were to enter the console market, they would probably target the casual audience in the way that Nintendo is doing it now. Their console would be sleekly designed and feature full iTunes integration (which would be very cool). It would probably be pricey, and I'm not sure Apple would be able to garner the third-party support that is necessary to sustain a console. I could be wrong, though. It seems like just about everything they touch nowadays turns to gold.
[QUOTE=''wjb428''] Some of us have heard about Apple thinking about entering the linup in the next Gen, how do you think this would change it all?I think the Apple will have the best graphics, but 720 will have momentum making it close, PS4 will kinda disapear, and the WII2 will still be popular with kiddies. Discuss.[/QUOTE] This idea...FAIL. Apple has macs and iphone, they play games /end thread
no appple will die
I'd oppose it.
It'll have the power of the Wii and be priced like a PS3. That's how apple roll.
PS4 dissapear...:lol:
PS4 will disappear, ROFLMFAO.Nothing to see here ppl, just BS
Sounds like it could be a good idea, but Apple seem to be pretty self contained with all their other products. eg. having the iPod run only on iTunes and not on Media Player, or any other equivalentSo my concerns are based on how the 3rd party support would be.
Its not an idea of mine, i heard about it on G3 and some other places.
I think Apple would be going for older people, not like the wii, the Apple games might be casual and stuff but if it had itunes and stuff and you wanted a little kid console you would go with wii cause kiddies dont know about the Itunes and apple stuff.
I don't care about the console manufacturer..... I care about the games.If Apple comes up with a console, and it has some killer software, I'll buy it.
[QUOTE=''spidadragon1'']PS4 dissapear...:lol:[/QUOTE]this
[QUOTE=''wjb428'']Some of us have heard about Apple thinking about entering the linup in the next Gen, how do you think this would change it all?I think the Apple will have the best graphics, but 720 will have momentum making it close, PS4 will kinda disapear, and the WII2 will still be popular with kiddies. Discuss.[/QUOTE]apple console:worse hardware then the wii, around 700$ (another 150$ for a controller with 1 button as an upgrade), won't support almost any games unless you instal ''xbox OS'' for it, but it will sell like crazy beacose it got an apple on it and beacose it aperently ''looks good'' (I personaly find macs/iphones ugly as hell but thats just me (ipods are o.k. the new nano ones look great)), oh and more people are going to be anoying about how it is the best thing since the invention of fire, how they all oppose big money greedy (hah quite the irony) coorporations like MS (strangely they are all going to have ''xbox OS'' instaled), nintendo and sony and how steve is a god. yeah basicly the same thing as now
Apple would go for the casual market, and would almost certainly intergrate Itunes into there console. All theory.
Who would develop for it? Would devs really make games for 3-4 consoles at the same time..? Sure they'd have some 1st parties, but not enough to last a full gen..
[QUOTE=''rocoswav''] [QUOTE=''spidadragon1'']PS4 dissapear...:lol:[/QUOTE]this
First things first...APPLE WILL NOT MAKE A CONSOLE. A handheld , maybe? Something along the IPOD ...a ''do it all device''..2nd...Wii IS NOT FOR KIDS..Wii have games, Wii is for gamers.3rd...PS4 will do better hoping Sony will learn not to release a console for the price of a car. 4th..Who cares really. We are a long way from anything new.
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